All purpose vertically integrated publishing empire for cynicism, hopelessness and misanthropy. Mild nausea is common when using this product. Other symptoms may include, but are not limited to: dizzyness, headache, homicidal rage and yellow discharge. Rarely, users may begin to hear voices urging them to kill. If this occurs, discontinue use and seek psychiatric attention. Do not read when pregnant or nursing; the author thinks that's gross.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Ways NOT to Make a Christmoween Snowman

  1. Try to use unpackable fine powder snow, drier than the Sahara
  2. Come up with 'ingenious' method to harden said snow using water
  3. Fail to spot-test fake blood on snow to see if in fact it will resemble blood, or merely turn into a viscous goo upon contact
  4. Continue meddling even as ingenious snow shatters upon every slight touch.
  5. Go to bed instead of committing ritual suicide, as honor demands
So, yeah.  A bit down this morning.  If it even survives the harsh light of dawn, I might take pictures of my Ozymandian disaster out there, just for posterity.

But don't count on it.

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