All purpose vertically integrated publishing empire for cynicism, hopelessness and misanthropy. Mild nausea is common when using this product. Other symptoms may include, but are not limited to: dizzyness, headache, homicidal rage and yellow discharge. Rarely, users may begin to hear voices urging them to kill. If this occurs, discontinue use and seek psychiatric attention. Do not read when pregnant or nursing; the author thinks that's gross.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Political News of the Day

What's that? The world's gone mad?

I plan to do a post a day, at least, just summarizing the variety of weird political news and outrages, as well as major topics, that are currently floating around the ether and the blagosphere. I know a lot of people who don't have the time or energy to sift through all the stuff I do for fun, but would generally like a bit more information on the particular route the world is taking to hell, so I provide this noble public service, like the altruist I am.

White House Lies (part 1 of an endless series)

Scott McClellan, former mouthpiece/Press Secretary for El Presidente, is writing a book. Surprisingly enough, he seems to be willing to rat out his former boss, to some degree. The publisher has leaked a short passage indicating that Scotty boy says he now knows he was lying to the public about the leaks that destroyed the professional life of spy Valerie Plame (as a way to get back at her husband, Iraq War I hero Joe Wilson), and endangered our nuclear counter-proliferation operations overseas. He says that the President, VP, Chief of Staff, Scooter Libby and Karl Rove were all 'involved' in these lies.

Should be an interesting read.
Source: Editor and Publisher

Senator Dodd, meanwhile, having realized that if nobody else will take the high road you can probably speed, has jumped on this bandwagon as well, calling for a Senate investigation. Whatever his motivations, if there's a cause that everyone else running for President is too chicken to stand up for, Dodd's your man. It's either incredibly principled or incredibly crass.
Source: Raw Story

From the Department of the Painfully Obvious:

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez says that our own El Presidente belongs in an asylum for stating that Iran getting a nuke could lead to World War III. I could not agree more, and there's even a handy amendment to the constitution that says crazy people shouldn't be President. Maybe Dodd can get on this one.

Sources: Reuters
U.S. Constitution, Twenty-Fifth Amendment

Health Care for Nobody:

Clinton, Obama and Edwards are all bickering over the best way to provide more money to insurance companies instead of helping people not be sick all the damn time. Clinton and Edwards want to require you to get health insurance, the same way you have to get auto insurance. They have token plans to help poor people buy it if they could not already. Yeah, that'll solve the problem of our private insurance system, where we spend far more and get far less than anyone else in the industrialized world. Pour MORE money into that hole; see if you can fill it.

Obama, meanwhile, just doesn't care if everyone has insurance at all. Nice guy.

Source: Raw Story

Pencils Still Down:

Finally, the writer's strike is taking an interesting turn, as the CBS news writers' union will seemingly go on strike before the last Democratic debate, to be aired on CBS, which would effectively cancel it. Thank you again, WGA! No, seriously. Eight thousand debates is more than sufficient.

Source: Raw Story

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