All purpose vertically integrated publishing empire for cynicism, hopelessness and misanthropy. Mild nausea is common when using this product. Other symptoms may include, but are not limited to: dizzyness, headache, homicidal rage and yellow discharge. Rarely, users may begin to hear voices urging them to kill. If this occurs, discontinue use and seek psychiatric attention. Do not read when pregnant or nursing; the author thinks that's gross.

Thursday, May 17, 2007


Just to get this out of the way, this blog is licensed under a Commercial Commons 3.0 Non-Commercial-Attribution License. That means you can feel free to redistribute, alter, rewrite or reincorporate anything from this blog in any way you like, as long as you meet two simple conditions.

1) You attribute the original work to me. I'm fine with simply putting a link to the blog, preferably the post in question, but just linking to Here Comes Tomorrow itself will do.

2) You don't go out and sell my stuff. If anyone gets to whore out my crappy work, it's me. That's all I'm saying.

That's it, back to your regularly scheduled programming, and if you need more information, go to for the details.

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