All purpose vertically integrated publishing empire for cynicism, hopelessness and misanthropy. Mild nausea is common when using this product. Other symptoms may include, but are not limited to: dizzyness, headache, homicidal rage and yellow discharge. Rarely, users may begin to hear voices urging them to kill. If this occurs, discontinue use and seek psychiatric attention. Do not read when pregnant or nursing; the author thinks that's gross.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Wrote this Forever Ago, Delayed


Random Picatures
Deer and Cats
Weird Stencils
Warbot in Accounting
Tiny Japanese Deer

A comic I found linked the other day and read through. It's quite good, a slice of life about a girl living in Japan as part of a foreign language program. The comic is partly autobiographical and partly humorous, and the author seeks to present what she feels is a more balanced picture of the prospect of living overseas in a strange country.

I'm not expressing myself at all well. Probably due to my headcold making a resurgence. Pesky colds.

Some sample comics

Roach Motel
Stay With Me
They Can See Forever
Shark's Vagina

Nippon Basics (map)


The next comic I'm adding to my list is 3 Panel Soul. It's the latest from the guys who did Mac Hall. Very funny stuff.


The Homosexual Agenda
Gay Bomb
Cherubim and Bear

Source: Three Panel Soul

Maxwell the Demon
Named after the famous thought experiment, this is a comic about Maxwell, an arch-demon of Hell, whose job is mainly bureaucratic, and who spends most of his earthly time with a long-time human love interest.

Which is not to say that he doesn't go out there and tempt people into eternal damnation.

Sadly, it JUST NOW went on hiatus. Sigh.

Source: Maxwell the Demon

Freak Angels
The new, free, web based Warren Ellis comic.

It's hard to tell precisely what it's about yet. The world came to an end, almost, and the handful of survivors are scratching out a living in the seemingly unharmed English landscape. Though almost everyone else is gone, and some of the people left have super powers.

It's weird, but that's nothing new for Ellis. It's also good, so far anyway, which is again nothing new for Ellis.

Source: Freak Angels

Banned Ad
A beauty product ad has been banned by the Brit agency in charge of, err, banning advertisements, because it offends people by satirically equating church and cosmetics.


This is why prior restraint sucks.

Source: The Guardian

So some women flew into Munich with a skeleton in their suitcases.

Silly women. Germany doesn't need any MORE human remains.

Source: Raw Story
(For the record, nothing nefarious seems to have been involved. They were returning some old remains for a last-request reburial. They just did it in a very, very strange way)

Short People
They've got no reason to live. (it's a reference, look it up)

Also, they're jealous.

Short people should pray for a return to the Seventies fashion of stack heels, for the power of jealousy depends on how tall you are, the British weekly New Scientist says.

Researchers at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands and University of Valencia in Spain asked 549 Dutch and Spanish men and women to rate how jealous they felt, and to list the qualities in a romantic competitor that were most likely to make them ill at ease.

Men generally felt most nervous about attractive, rich and strong rivals.

But these feelings were increasingly relaxed the taller they were themselves. The more vertically challenged the man, the greater his feelings of jealousy.

For women, what counted most in jealousy was the rival's looks and charm, but these feelings were less intense if the woman herself was of average height.

The study also finds that tall women, while also more jealous, can beat up shorter women.

So that's something at least.

Source: Raw Story

Skittle Suspension
A kid landed in trouble for buying a bag of candy off of another student.
NEW HAVEN, Conn. - Contraband candy has led to big trouble for an eighth-grade honors student in Connecticut.

Michael Sheridan was stripped of his title as class vice president, barred from attending an honors student dinner and suspended for a day after buying a bag of Skittles from a classmate.

School spokeswoman Catherine Sullivan-DeCarlo says the New Haven school system banned candy sales in 2003 as part of a districtwide school wellness policy.
I can't really bring myself to feel bad for the guy. He's part of the problem, as they say; a member in good standing, at least formerly, of the school's Vichy government.

These people are, by and large, complete tools.

Thus it's fitting that Mikey got hoisted on his own petard.

Source: AZ Central

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